WTP Analytical Laboratory

WTP Analytical Laboratory

The Analytical Laboratory, also known as the Lab, will process samples of batches of waste being fed from the Hanford tank farms to the High-Level Waste Vitrification and Low-Activity Waste Vitrification facilities. The Lab is 320 feet long and 180 feet wide, approximately the size of a football field, and 45 feet, or four stories, high.

The laboratory's key function is to ensure that all glass produced by the Low-Activity Vitrification Facility meets all regulatory requirements and standards. During direct-feed low-activity waste operations, technicians in the laboratory will analyze approximately 3,000 process waste samples each year.

Analyses will confirm the correct glass-former “recipe” needed to produce a consistent glass form. Samples will also be taken throughout the vitrification process to confirm a high-quality glass product and good process controls to ensure the final vitrified product is stable and not a threat to the environment or people.


A Closer Look Inside the Analytical Laboratory


Environmental Emissions Stack Assembly at WTP HanfordThe 68-foot stack assembly will exhaust emissions from the Analytical Lab’s ventilation systems, filtering radioactive and chemical contaminants from the air to ensure it meets strict regulations. Made of structural steel, the assembly contains three emission stacks and weighs approximately 140,000 pounds. The assembly sits atop the Analytical Lab, making it more than 119 feet tall.