Nuclear Safety Rules
Nuclear Safety
Bechtel and principal subcontractor AECOM understand the importance of our critical mission—deliver a Vit Plant that will meet U.S. Department of Energy requirements and safely process Hanford's radioactive tank waste into a solid glass form. To ensure we successfully meet our mission, we are committed to nuclear safety and quality.
Nuclear safety and quality is about protecting workers, the public, and the environment - including the nearby Columbia River - from hazards posed during Vit Plant operations. Bechtel and AECOM are fully committed to ensuring we are designing and building safety and quality into the Vit Plant now—before the plant is ever operational. To do so, we foster a strong nuclear safety and quality culture.
We expect our employees to demonstrate values and behaviors that contribute to nuclear safety and quality. For example, by expecting our employees to stop work and ask questions when something does not seem right, we can identify and address safety and quality issues now.
Education and Expectations
We are dedicated to strengthening our nuclear safety and quality culture. We continually educate our employees about our expectations so they will demonstrate the values and behaviors that cultivate a strong nuclear safety and quality culture. The following are a few examples:
Leadership Covenants
The Vit Plant leadership covenants foster positive working relationships; build trust among employees, supervisors, and managers; and contribute to greater safety, quality, and efficiency. We expect all Vit Plant employees to continuously uphold the leadership covenants as the way they conduct their everyday work.
Accountability Model
Accountability is essential to a strong nuclear safety and quality culture. When employees are accountable—acknowledging their roles and responsibilities—to themselves and others, they improve quality and contribute to continuous learning. We use the accountability model to encourage employees to regularly gauge and adjust, as necessary, their own levels of accountability.
Case Studies
We publish case studies regularly on our internal homepage for employees to read and discuss during staff meetings. The case studies use everyday situations to demonstrate behaviors consistent or inconsistent with a strong nuclear safety and quality culture. By providing real-life examples and encouraging discussion, we enable employees to recognize and internalize the attributes of a strong nuclear safety and quality culture.
All-Employee Training
All Vit Plant employees are required to complete safety conscious work environment training, which details the expectation that all Vit Plant employees question safety and quality conditions that do not seem right, raise concerns appropriately, and follow through to resolution. Plant supervisors and managers complete additional training focused on leadership and effective forthright conversations.
Example Resources
- Leadership covenants
- Key behaviors and culture goals
- Accountability model
- NSQC focus areas
- Case study: Responsibility for mistakes
- Case study: A question about the design
- Case study: Years of experience
- Case study: Quality over deadline
- Record falsification case study: Sign on the dotted line
- Record falsification case study: We did that, we swear
- Complacency and carelessness: Never had a problem before
- Complacency and carelessness: It’s comfortable